Welcome to Reception Class
Teacher: Mrs Parker
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dove
We are happy and excited to welcome you to our class page!
Learning in our class is through meaningful play and experiences. Our curriculum has been uniquely designed for our learners. It is a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum which address the children's social, emotional, physical, intellectual, moral and cultural development in a safe, yet stimulating environment. The curriculum has been designed to enhance the experiences and opportunities we choose to give our children so that they aspire to suceed as best as they can in life, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, norms and values which can be used to get ahead in education and improve their life chances. It has been customised to build upon the experiences and backgrounds of our children with carefuly, progressive sequencing that helps children to build on their learning over time. We constantly encourage children to develop their language, taking every opportunity to introduce new vocabulary and to support and encourage children to use these and own them in their spoken language. Topic words are specifically planned into our well sequenced curriculum which supports language acquisition. Please visit your child's Tapestry account to access all the fun activities we have been doing.