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Building on Meanwood’s vision and values and the National Curriculum for Music, we aim to provide an exceptional and inclusive Music education.  Nurturing a love, knowledge and appreciation of music is vital to improve life opportunities as well as increase well-being and happiness.


Open Hearts- We create a cooperative learning environment, encouraging children to work together, share ideas and learn collaboratively.

Open Minds- We inspire our children to strive for a complete appreciation of Music, supporting them to develop a love for playing, singing, listening and composing, while understanding the roots of music and its connection with emotions and feelings.

Open Arms- We foster empathy in our pupils, encouraging them to understand how music brings people together and is a shared experience within communities and culture. We promote an inclusive environment where all learners feel valued and supported, having opportunities to build in confidence and shine.



We hope to nurture a lifelong love of music by exposing children to diverse musical experiences; igniting a passion for music. By listening and responding to different musical styles; finding their voices as singers, performers and as composers, we enable them to become confident, expressive musicians. We are committed to developing a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding of the historical roots and origins of all genres of music.

Our curriculum is progressive and inclusive, giving opportunities throughout the school to develop skills in listening, singing, playing, performing and composition.

Through a wide range of opportunities to experience music, children become more musical; watching live performances and performing in front of audiences. Every child will be able to experience a sense of achievement and pride by learning to play a musical instrument. Through our school choir, hymn practice and public performances, children take ownership and nurture their musical skills.



At Meanwood we use the Charanga Model Music Curriculum scheme to support our long-term planning.  We teach incrementally technical, constructive and expressive skills to allow children to gain a deep understanding and love of music.

The children develop a wide musical vocabulary as they progress through school based around musical elements, musical structures and dimensions.

Children are taught music by class teachers as well as by a music professional. They learn to look after, control and play a musical instrument and they work in small steps to increase their ability to read and write notation.
In lessons, children compose using tuned and untuned percussion, recorders and keyboards. 

Celebrating a ‘Musician of the Half-Term’, children can experience music from several different genres as well as understand the impact music has had on their lives and the lives of people around the world.   

Performance is at the heart of the curriculum, with all children having the chance to be part of a choir, perform to an audience.



  • Children are more musical.  Children love singing in small and large groups whether in lessons, classrooms or in choir.
  • Children remember a wide range of musical artists from a range of genres and can discuss their impact on the music industry and the wider world.
  • Children perform confidently in productions, choir and showcase assemblies.
  • Children show a love for their music lessons and can use a variety of methods to compose different styles of music.
  • Children can use musical vocabulary to describe a piece of music or to change their own musical performance.
  • Children know how to use musical instruments.


Formative assessment

Children’s progress is assessed in lessons through regular feedback, high quality questioning and regular retrieval practice.  Children are encouraged to work in mixed ability partners as well in smaller supported groups. Children have opportunity to self-evaluate and evaluate as a group providing constructive peer feedback.


Summative assessment

Over the course of the year, children work towards year group endpoints across a range of specific skills in the Music curriculum.  As children cover the half-termly units, they evidence their understanding of the end points.  Teaching is adapted to and is revisited to make sure no child is left behind.  


Staff Development

Training needs are identified as a result of whole school monitoring and evaluation, performance management and through self-analysis.  The subject leader shares best practice and informs staff of subject updates and changes.  The subject leader works closely with Artforms in Leeds to access expert advice as well as CDP opportunities and networking. Time is allocated in staff meetings to give CPD for all teachers increasing confidence and understanding of the subject and the scheme of learning.



The subject leader, SLT and Governors play a role in the monitoring of Music at Meanwood.  Regular monitoring via learning walks, staff and pupil voice feedback ensures consistency and constant review and regulation of the subject to ensure best learning opportunities for all.

Guitar Lessons

Our school guitar lessons are provided by Get Into Guitar - 

Their model is built on fostering extremely positivity relationships and delivering engaging lessons that really motivate children to practise hard. They recently won Music Tuition Business of the Year at the Yorkshire Prestige Awards 23/24.

Get Into Guitar offer:


·         In lesson provision of suitably sized acoustic and electric guitars, headphones, headphone amplifiers and online tablet/laptop based learning applications.

·         Learning ‘child selected’ songs with differentiated take home music resources.

·         A carefully crafted music curriculum including performances, competitions with great prizes, song writing and Battle of the Band video recordings.


These fun, collaborative groups are designed both for complete beginners, and those who already have some guitar experience. We meet every week for 30 minutes (Year 2-6). The cost is £5-£5.50 per lesson paid in half termly blocks or monthly standing order. Get Into Guitar also provide a strap fitting, restringing and repair service for those students looking to restore their own guitar.

If your child feels inspired to get involved and try it out then please sign up below. Get Into Guitar foster extremely positive relationships with students, and aim to truly inspire them, building their confidence, aspirations and love of playing music.

To sign up your child please visit

To see what our students achieve please visit

Choir in Church

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