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Parent Voice

On 17th March 2023, a  Parent Survey was given to parents. 

Here is the list of outcomes and actions:


Percentage that said Neutral/Agree/Strongly Agree


My child is happy in school?



My child feels safe in school?




The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved?



The school deals with bullying effectively? 



The school makes me aware of what my child is learning?


SLT will continue to celebrate children's learning via Twitter. We are looking at putting a twitter widget on the homepage of the website. SLT will continue to raise the profile of the school website and the curriculum and class pages that have detailed descriptions of what children are learning each half term. Pictures of learning are also put on class pages frequently. Half termly newsletters were replaced by the detailed website pages in order to decrease teacher workload.

When I have raised concerns the school has dealt with them properly?



The school has high expectations of children?



My child does well at school?



The school lets me know how my child is doing?


Staff are now positioned at the doors each morning/afternoon and are happy to chat to parents with any concerns they may have. We will continue to run the cycle of termly monitoring results and two parents evening sessions each year.

There is a good range of subjects for my child at school?



My child can take part in clubs and activities at school?



We are continuing to increase our clubs and activities in school, offering a range of clubs including: Choir, Drumming, Guitar, Sports, Circuits, Football, Arts and Crafts, Science, Cooking, Ukulele and Dance

The school supports my child's wider personal development? 




I would recommend this school to another parent?




On 20th November another Parent Survey was given out to parents.

here are a list of outcomes and actions: 

QuestionPercentage that said neutral/ agree/strongly agreeActions
My child is happy in school.96% 
My child feels safe in school.99% 
The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved.96% 
The school deals with bullying effectively. 97% 
The school makes me aware of what my child is learning. 97% 
When I have raised concerns the school has dealt with them properly.96% 
The school has high expectations of the pupils. 97% 
My child does well at school. 100% 
The school let me know how my child is doing at school. 94%

The school has two parents evenings per year, parents also receive progress reviews at the end of the Autumn and Spring terms. Additionally, there is an annual report sent home to parents at the end of the Summer term. 

Looking forward, it may be the case that school look at creating opportunities for parents to come into school and experience the learning environment within classrooms. 

There is a good range of subjects for my child at school. 94%

The school follows the national curriculum and throughout the last academic year has developed curriculum content so that it is progressive and purposeful. We are always looking for innovative ways for the children to experience the curriculum such as  external visits and visitors. 

looking forward, the school could look at more 'enrichment' opportunities that could be included as part of the curriculum. 

My child can take part with clubs and activities at school. 96% 
The school supports my child's wider personal development. 97% 
I would recommend this school to another parent. 94%We strive to make the school a welcoming place for all parents and carers. Occasionally, there will be times when issues arise that need to be addressed and the outcome may not be what a parent/carer agrees with. We always work with parents /carers for the best outcomes for their children. 
There is a good community feel around school. 99% 

