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Welcome to Meanwood CE Primary School


Welcome to our website. We are a thriving 1 form entry school at  the heart of the local community, known for our loving and caring ethos. We serve the parish of Holy Trinity Church which is part of the Leeds Diocese. We are a Church of England Voluntary Aided school school with our own admissions policy. 



Safeguarding and child protection is at the heart of everything we do at Meanwood CE Primary School.  Safeguarding is underpinned by three principles:

  1. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. All staff, governors and volunteers in school play their part in keeping our children safe and so protecting them from any safeguarding concerns. 
  2. All staff, governors and volunteers have a clear understanding of safeguarding and know exactly how to identify abuse and neglect in all forms. They have a good understanding of how to respond and report any disclosures made by children.
  3. The children are our priority, and they know who they can go to if they have any worries or concerns.  Staff will always listen to children and have a clear understanding of their needs, wishes and views.

Vision and Values 

We have a clear vision and a set of values which is underpinned by a bible reference, enabling children to be well equipped for their next step in their journey.


Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, we exist to enrich the lives of our children emotionally, physically, spiritually and academically. Our commitment is to be a hospitable community with open hearts, open minds and open arms, where every person is valued, nurtured and empowered. Enabling everyone to flourish and excel in the knowledge of being loved by God and created in his image. 


John 15:12- “My commandment is this: love one another, just as I love you.” 



COOPERATE: Share and learn together.

ACHIEVE: Try your best, always.

REFLECT: Value everyone and everything.

EMPATHISE: Stand in someone else’s shoes.




The curriculum at Meanwood CE is created to allow all children flourish. All subjects are carefully planned to ensure the children acquire the essential knowledge they need to make excellent progress. The school is heavily invested in using the latest research to inform classroom practice, in turn creating a learning environment which is child focused. 


We hope you enjoy looking around our website and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the school on


Mr J Chapman




