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Building on Meanwood’s vision and values and the National Curriculum for Geography, we aim to provide an exceptional geography education that embraces our school vision. The basic skills of geography are essential for pupils to develop as global citizens in a changing and interconnected world.


Open Hearts – We create a cooperative learning environment, encouraging children to work together, share ideas and learn collaboratively. 

Open Minds – We inspire our children to strive for excellence in geography, providing amazing opportunities to celebrate and learn about diverse places and people. We encourage a resilient and open mindset that equips us to know more and remember more as well as inspiring children to think about our impact on the planet now and in the future.  We celebrate their achievements and encourage them to reach their full potential. 

Open Arms – We foster empathy in our pupils, encouraging them to understand and appreciate different places, people and ways of living. We promote an inclusive environment where all learners feel valued and supported in their geographical journey.



At Meanwood, our geography curriculum aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and appreciation of the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.


We want children to understand their place in the world so children begin their learning journey by exploring familiar places in their local area and are taught the skills to enable them to 'think like a geographer'.  We aim for children to continually build on their prior knowledge to develop a wider view of the context in which they live (Meanwood, Leeds, Yorkshire) using maps, photographs and digital mapping software. We want to evoke enthusiasm for learning during fieldwork, where children have the opportunity to observe, collect and analyse data first hand before making insightful conclusions.  We are focused on children becoming responsible citizens who have a secure understanding of the location and characteristics of places.  We aim for children to develop reflective thinking when considering similarities and differences between different people, places and cultures to equip them with the empathy to understand and appreciate different ways of life.  We want children to appreciate the beauty and power of physical features of the world, the impact of humans and how they are interdependent and changing. 



At Meanwood, our geography curriculum follows the National Curriculum and provides children with opportunities to explore their local area, explore connections and think critically about challenges facing our planet.


The use of long-term plans and knowledge organisers allow staff to implement lessons that have clear endpoints, ensuring a systematic approach to learning. Assessment is used as a diagnostic tool to help mould the curriculum to the needs and requirements of the learners. Quizzes, recaps and connected knowledge lessons give all children the opportunity to retain the knowledge they need to move onto the next step in their learning journey. 


The topics are progressive between year groups and ensure all of the content from the National Curriculum is covered. In EYFS the curriculum is implemented using carefully planned provision within the classroom and relates to objectives set out in the Early Years Curriculum which provides the foundations for the KS1 geography curriculum.



At Meanwood our aim is to keep all the children working together at broadly the same place by taking small steps in learning.

Formative Assessment

The children’s progress is assessed using regular formative assessment in lessons through questioning, regular retrieval practice, assessment of work in books and feedback. Before each unit of learning, the children complete a pre-knowledge check based on the previous learning. This allows teachers to teach any necessary connected knowledge prior to the starting the new unit of work to support the needs of pupils in their classes.

Summative Assessment

Summative assessment in geography takes place in the form of end of unit quizzes which take place at 2, 6 and 12 weeks after a unit has been completed. These inform the teacher of any children that need further consolidation and/or intervention. 

Tracking Pupil Progress

The results of these quizzes are submitted into a spreadsheet which track children’s progress. Teachers can then see where gaps in learning are and provide further consolidation and/or intervention. 

Staff Development

Training needs are identified as a result of whole school monitoring and evaluation, performance management and through self-analysis. The subject leader is keen to share best practice and disseminate up-to-date initiatives to staff via planned CPD and development time. This will ensure the subject is constantly evolving to meet the demands of curriculum expectations


The subject leader, SLT and Governors all play a role in the monitoring of Geography at Meanwood. Regular monitoring via learning walks, book looks and pupil/staff voice feedback ensures the subject is constantly being reviewed and regulated to ensure the best learning opportunities for all.


