Curriculum intent
Building on Meanwood’s vision and values and the National Curriculum for PE, we aim to provide an exceptional physical education that embraces our school vision. The basic skills associated with sports and PE are vital for furthering and broadening life opportunities for our children.
Open Hearts – We create a cooperative learning environment, encouraging children to work together, share ideas and learn collaboratively.
Open Minds – We inspire our children to strive for excellence in PE, supporting them to develop personal, social, cognitive and physical skills. Children are taught the importance of taking part and challenging themselves as individuals through a broad range of sporting activities.
Open Arms – We foster empathy in our pupils, encouraging them to understand and appreciate the experiences and opportunities they are offered. We promote an inclusive environment where all learners feel valued and supported in their physical educational journey.
At Meanwood, we are dedicated to providing a fully inclusive PE and sports curriculum which allows children to grow in confidence as individuals and as team players. By integrating the school vision into our PE curriculum, we aim to create a learning environment that promotes collaboration, celebrates achievement and fosters empathy and respect. We strive to inspire our pupils to become lifelong learners who are confident in their abilities, resilient and willing to have a go and try their best. We want our children to be healthy and active young people who recognise the importance of good physical and mental health. Through our commitment to excellence, inclusivity and holistic development, we aim to empower our pupils to make a positive impact in their communities and the wider world.
At Meanwood, we use the Complete PE scheme to help to map a broad range of sports and skills which are progressive through the years and offer all children a chance to find a specific sport or area of sporting activity where they can flourish and grow. We strive for 2 hours a week of lesson based PE along with numerous opportunities to take part and to experience events and other sports outside of school or through coaching. Through our association with Leeds Well Schools Partnership children have the chance to take part in competitive and non-competitive events.
At Meanwood children love PE lessons and get a full hour of being active during lesson time. Through the promotion of vocabulary and specific terminology children increase their understanding of specific sports and techniques. They are taught skills to increase their problem solving, mindfulness and social confidence as well as their mental and physical well-being.
Formative Assessment
The children’s progress is assessed using regular formative assessment in lessons through questioning, partner-work and mini challenges. Teachers use the scheme to help build on skills in lessons and tasks increasing challenge and adapting to support and challenge.
Summative Assessment
The Complete PE scheme has an assessment tracker for all children which is inputted after each unit of learning using the specific descriptors. This information is used to help support and revisit and to communicate with other teachers when assessing progress
ted to parents through two termly Parents’ Evenings and an end of year report
Staff Development
Training needs are identified as a result of whole school monitoring and evaluation, performance management and through self-analysis. The subject leader is keen to share best practice and disseminate up-to-date initiatives to staff via planned CPD and development time. This will ensure the subject is constantly evolving to meet the demands of curriculum expectations. In addition, at Meanwood we use high-quality coaches to support the teaching of specific sports which also provides highly valuable CPD for all staff in PE lessons. Through the Leeds Well Schools Partnership we have access to a great deal of CPD opportunities.
The subject leader, SLT and Governors all play a role in the monitoring of PE at Meanwood. Regular monitoring via learning walks, book looks and pupil/staff voice feedback ensures the subject is constantly being reviewed and regulated to ensure the best learning opportunities for all.
Risk Assessments