Staff: Mr Chapman, Mrs Bowie, Mrs Eatock, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Monk
Home Learning in the event of School Closure/Self Isolation
In the event of school closure or self isolation we have prepared activities which will hopefully keep children up to date with SATs preparation and the year 6 curriculum:
- A SATs pack: a range of tasks based around SATs questions in maths, reading and SPAG. (Given to children 17th March)
- A learning Log on Industrial Yorkshire- see Industrial Yorkshire Knowledge Organiser. (Given to children 18th March).
- A huge range of activities have been prepared for children on the school's VLE. Each child has an individual log-in and can complete these activities on-line.
- Keep reading: please encourage your child to spend time reading: At least 20 minutes each day.
- Times Tables Rockstars: Each child has an individual log in and can practice their times table recall with interactive games.
- Classroom Secrets: This website has made all their resources free for a limited time. Please click on the following link to access the year 6 materials:
Please keep active with your child's learning and ensure they are accessing the materials we have supplied.