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Year 5 class monitors

Each half term, children volunteer to undertake very helpful and important jobs to ensure our classroom runs as smoothly as possible. Below are the children who have taken on there important roles.


  • Going home monitor ( handing out important documents at the end of the day) - 

Jessica Simms and Lani Vollans Nikita Kini


  • Equipment monitor (handing out glues, scissor, coloured pencils etc when needed)

Nikita Kini


  • Dinner band monitor (preparing and handing out dinner bands so children get the correct lunch) - 

Jacob Skelton and Lois Rennison.


  • Book monitor (hand out the relevant books at the start of each lesson) - 

Nathan Powley and Emmy Edensor.


  • Milk Monitor (prepare the milks and present to children after lunch) - 

Roman Brierley and Zach Miles


