In Summer 1 we are learning ...
In Writing we will be writing an explanation text describing how chocolate is made.
In Oracy we will be continuing to develop our skills within our check in circles and debates as well as in our Viking Pop Up Museum.
In Maths, we will be starting the half term continuing our learning on decimals. We will then be moving onto money and finally time.
In RE we will be looking at Gospel and how Christians use these stories to guide them in their lives.
In History, we will be learning about the Vikings and finding out if they really were godless brutes.
In Science, we will be looking at animals and humans. We will learn about the digestive system, different types of human teeth and food chains.
In Art, we will looking at the work of Willem de Kooning and experimenting with acrylic paints on cardboard.
In PSHE, we will be learning how to make good choices.
In PE, we will be learning the skills involved in Orienteering and Tennis.
In Computing, we will be learning how to use Excel.
In French, we will be learning the words for family members and some possessive adjectives in French and sharing some traditional songs and rhymes featuring this vocabulary.
In Music, we will be learning about expression and improvisation.