Mindfulness and Wellbeing day
Year 6 began the day by getting out into the local park helping the local park ranger. They spent the morning gathering sticks that had been cleared in the park and used them to create a dead headgear. Lots of team work and helping the community and local environment is very good for the mental well-being.
Later children took part in a yoga workshop where they learned to relax using breathing, imagining and focussing. We finished the day with a mindfulness and medication workshop which helped the children to calm themselves and cope with situations that make them angry. All in all, a very relaxing and calm day in school.
On World Book Day the children looked absolutely wonderful in all their costumes. During the day, the children of Year 6 redesigned the front cover of Macbeth thinking about the main themes and symbols. They wrote their own version of the Witches Poem from Macbeth and performed them. Also, they took part in a live assembly for WBD. A great day of celebrating reading for all!
On diversity day, we had an amazing time celebrating the diversities we have in our class, dancing the Flamenco and meeting an Olympian. The children gave presentations about their heritages and their backgrounds which were engaging, funny and moving. We managed to eat all day too; Greek spinach’s pie, Jamaican patties, Yorkshire puddings and lots more!