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Spring 2

Here is our learning for Spring 2:


In Writing, we will begin the half term by putting together a non-chronological report of the Portia Spider. We will create a non-fiction text outlining how this tiny,  spider eating spider uses it's super skills to stalk and kill it's prey. We will also spend some time looking at and practising the skills we need for performance poetry. 


In Oracy, we will be refining our speaking skills through a series of weekly debates and relational circles. We will also use our debating skills to answer our History enquiry question - How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve?


In Maths this half term, we will be looking at unit and non-unit fractions, how to compare them and order them. Later, we will be looking at mass and capacity. 


In RE we will be learning about Salvation and asking why Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'..  

In History, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptian civilisation. We will look at the many gods and pharaohs who helped Ancient Egypt become one of the biggest empires at the time of the New Kingdom. We will also look at the achievements made by the civilisation and how some of them impact us still today. 


In Science, we will be learning Forces and magnets. We will start by considering what a force is and investigating friction. We will then go on to explore magnetic force and how it differs to friction. 


In Art, we will use clay to create jugs inspired by Ancient Egyptian pottery and pattern. 


In French, we will be talking about colours and consolidating our previous learning. We will also ask and answer questions and form simple sentences in French. 

In PSHE we will looking at Physical Health and Well being. Asking 'What helps me choose?'. We will discuss how we can make healthier food choices and look at how advertising can be used to persuade us to make choices about what we buy.  


In PE and Games  we will are lucky enough to have an external provider come in and teach us all we need to know about tag rugby. We will also spend some time looking at the athletics skills of throwing and jumping. 


In Music, we will be exploring musical styles and changes in dynamics. Understanding how music helps us to get to know our community.  


In ICT,  we will be looking at how to find information for a specific purpose using the internet. 


Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide end points which is the knowledge that children will gain from this unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.

Weekly spellings.

Class Poem. All The World's Alive Again by Jennifer Gunner

Class Read: Mr Penguin and the lost treasure.

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