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Spring 2

In Spring 2 we are learning:

In Writing writing a non-chronological report about wildlife in the Amazon Rainforest

In Maths we will be looking at decimals and fractions

In Reading we will cover a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts

In PE we will dancing Samba in PE and playing tag rugby in games 

In RE we will be learning about people of God

In PSHE we will be covering our RSE 

In Geography we will be learning about Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest

In Science we will be learning about electricity

In Art  we painting artwork inspired by Brazilian artist Romero Britto  

In DT we will be making traffic light using circuits.

In Computing, we will be learning about digital literacy.

In Music, we will be learning about music and its connection to social themes helping us to understand how music connects us.  

In French, we will be learning questions and responses and positional language.

In Oracy we will be debating about Shakespeare's Macbeth and presenting our ideas on sustainable living. 


Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide end points which is the knowledge that children will gain from this unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.


Knowledge Organisers are designed to help provide additional support and direction for families to support learning at home. They can be used as a point of reference for year group knowledge and expectations within the given topic area.

Geography Knowledge Organiser: Brazil

Class Read: This Half-Term we will be reading 'No Ballet Shoes in Syria' by Catherine Bruton.

Still image for this video

Class poem: This Half-Term we will be learning an extract from the song of the Witches; the famous poem from Macbeth
