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Our Visit From the Teddy Bear Hospital

Today Reception class we’re lucky enough to have a visit from an amazing team of student doctors who run the Leeds Teddy Bear Hospital. All of our topic learning about keeping ourselves safe and healthy was further consolidated through the range of interactive workshops and talks led by the team. The workshops and activities included learning about the jobs of the three main parts of the brain, how stethoscopes work and making our own, a session lead by the radiology team where children explored a range of x-rays and had to guess which body part or animal it was from, learning how to stitch and learning why sometimes cuts may need stitching, how to look after our mental health and learning strategies that help us to feel calm when we experience big feelings, learning about different organs in our bodies using their giant Teddy, how to do CPR, which children practised on their teddies, how to help someone if they are choking, how to properly brush teeth, minimising the spread of germs and sorting healthy and unhealthy foods. The children learned so much and had so much thanks doing all of the incredible activities. Huge thanks to alll of the student doctors who gave up their time to deliver this session.
