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Our trip to Eureka

As part of our “I am Special, I am Unique” topic work, Reception class have explored similarities and differences between themselves, including how they look, what they like to play/don’t like to play, what they like to and don’t like to eat as well as finding out why each and every one of our families is special and unique. The children have also been exploring how they have grown and changed since being babies. To further develop the children’s learning within this topic, Reception had their first ever trip out to Eureka Children’s Museum, where we explored the Living and Working Together Gallery, the All About Me Gallery, the SoundSpace and Spark Galleries. The children also enjoyed “The Senses Science Show” workshop and playing in the outdoor discovery and play areas. The children were impeccably behaved throughout the trip, making us all extremely proud. Well done Reception Class. I suspect there will be early nights all round after such a full on day of learning, discovery and adventure!
