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Home Learning Activities - wc 20.04.20

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and are all keeping well at home. I have put together a pack of work for this week that the children would have been learning if we were at school.  Please work through as much of the learning as you feasibly can. I appreciate it might be easier for some families than others to support home learning therefore please do not view it as an exhaustive list to work through, alternatively I hope it gives you some ideas about how you can move your child’s learning forwards as and when you are able to.


As always, I'd love to see everything you are doing at home via Tapestry whether you've learnt to ride a bike, perhaps the seeds you planted have begun to grow or you've become a whizz at nail art/nail stickers (maybe that's just in my house!). 


Missing you all,


Mrs Parker  
