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Home Learning Activities -wc 1.06.20

Thank you for all your e-mails regarding whether your child will be returning to school or not on Monday 15th June.  As I’m sure you’re aware the original Early Years Guidance advised that each group of reception children on return to school should be in a group of eight children (preferably). There are twenty three children now returning to school on the 15th June for half days that week. I do need to inform you that due to the size of the school and plans for when other year groups return, we only have reception classroom and the library as our two allocated areas therefore each bubble is going to have to be larger than the guidance would ‘prefer’.  These larger bubbles are the only way we can accommodate all children and avoid using a rota system.   I feel it is important to let you know this information before your child returns to school and that these numbers are covered under the guidance as it is still below sixteen children per bubble.  Children have been allocated a bubble and I have noted all of your requests via e-mail..  We will then reassess the situation and will inform you when we feel it is appropriate to return to full days.  I have attached a PowerPoint to share with your child about returning to school. Please share with your child if you feel it will help prepare them for their return.


I am currently trying to re-organise the classroom and library area to cater as best as we can for reception children planning to return to school and remove any unnecessary items and soft furnishings as well as limiting resources as we have been advised to do so.  As was previously discussed, we do not need to take each child’s temperature on arrival and groups will remain the same at all times of the day, unfortunately they will not be able to mix with reception children in another bubble at any time during the day. It will be very different to what the children have known reception classroom to be, but I will do everything I can to make school and learning as fun and exciting as it can possibly be in these strange times.  I will also ensure that home learning continues to be set in the same format as I have been doing during lockdown, and this will be exactly the same as what children are completing in school.


Kind regards


Mrs Parker
