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Autumn 2

In Autumn 2, we are learning.....


In Writing we will be learning how to write a recount using all the necessary features. Our recount focus will be Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot through this process, we will learn many interesting facts about this time in our history. Towards the end of the term we will learning how to produce and write a piece of shape poetry.


In Maths, we will be working on multiplication and division with a focus on our 2,3,4,5, 8- and 10-times tables. This will be progressed in a way that will enable them to apply their knowledge to different concepts including problem solving.


In RE we will be learning about Incarnation with a focus on how Christians show their beliefs about God, The Trinity in worship and the way they live.


In History, we will be learning about The Stone Age and the changes that occurred as this era progressed through time.


In Science, we will be learning about forces and magnets.


In PSHE, our focus will be on keeping safe and managing risk- Bullying-See it, say it, stop it


In PE, we will be learning the skills required for orienteering and also gymnastics with a focus on symmetry.


In Computing, we will be learning about information technology.


In Art, Drawing our artist focus is Vincent van Gogh. We will create a self-portrait using colour to create distortion.


In French, we will be following classroom commands in French and children will be introduced to gendered nouns.


In Music, we will practising songs for our Christmas production of Bethlehem Bake-off which we will perform to our parents in December. 


Knowledge Organisers
