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Spring 1

In Spring 1 we are learning:

In Writing we will be writing a spooky narrative based on the book Room 13 by Robert Swindells

In Maths we will learning algebra, fractions, decimals and percentages and area

In Reading we will cover a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts.

In PE we will be doing tag rugby and communications and tactics

In RE we will be learning about the faith of Islam

In PSHE we are learning about the risks associated with drugs alcohol and tobacco

In History, we are learning about Crime and Punishment over the ages

In Science we will be learning about  animals and their habitats 

In French we will be learning more about French culture and comparing to our own

In Music we will looking at creative composition

In Art we will be using photography and photographic images to create art


Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide end points which is the knowledge that children will gain from this unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.

History Knowledge Organiser

Tag Rugby Knowledge organiser

This half-term, we will be reading Room 13 by Roberts Swindells

Year 6 novel of the half-term

Still image for this video

Poem of the half-term: Goldilocks on CCTV by John Asgard
