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Spring 1

In Writing, we will write a setting description for a mystery story based on Flat Stanley. We will also try out our persuasive skills by creating an advert for a computer game. 


In Maths, we will continue to work on our multiplication and division skills. We will then start learning about measurement: length and perimeter. 


In RE we will be looking at the story of Noah and considering What it is like to follow God. 


In French we will be learning about Saints days and how Epiphany is celebrated. 


In Oracy we will be developing our presentation and performing skills, sharing our poems with the class and engaging in debate. 


In Geography we will look at Paris as a city, we will compare the two cities and discuss why we might visit Paris from Leeds. We will use our learning to create a brochure encouraging people to visit! 


In PSHE we will be looking at Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing: Strengths and challenges. 


In PE we will working on our Problem Solving & Teamwork skills. In gymnastics, we will be looking at symmetry and asymmetry. 


In Art,  we will look at skills and technique in our drawing unit. 

In Science we will be learning about animals including humans. . 


Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide end points which is the knowledge that children will gain from this unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.


Spellings will be taught each Friday and then tested the following week. The link below maps out the words for the half term ahead.

Spring 1 Spellings

Class Peom: The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll
