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Spring 1

In Writing, we will bring the term by writing poems full of figurative language inspired by the cold weather and the BBC Winter Olympics advert: The Dreadful Menace. Following this, the children will apply what they have been learning about in Geography to create a non-chronological report (in poster form) all about Florida. This will give the children the opportunity to consider the formality and audience of the piece. It will also allow them to include statistics, colons and brackets, dashes and commas for parenthesis in their writing. 


In Maths, we will be focusing on multiplication and division, decimals, percentages, perimeter, area and statistics as well as further developing our fraction skills. We 


In RE we will be learning about The Gospel and discussing the choices Jesus made. 


In French we will be learning about different hobbies, months of the year and asking and responding to questions in French. 


In Oracy we will be developing our speaking and listening skills to work in groups. 

In Geography we will be travelling to North America. The children will learn about the location of North America and the countries that are located there with a focus on the USA state: Florida. They will learn about its human and physical features and make comparisons to Yorkshire. 

In PSHE we will be continuing to learn about growing up and changing. 


In PE and Games  will be learning about communication tactics and developing our basketball skills. 


In Music, we will be composing using chords and learning that 3 for more pitches we can create a chord. 


Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide end points which is the knowledge that children will gain from this unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.

Geography - North America

Spellings will be taught each Friday and then tested the following week. The link below maps out the words for the half term ahead.

Spellings List - Spring 1

Class Read - The Cities Book

Still image for this video

Class Poem

The Land of Nod  - Robert Louis Stevenson

From breakfast on through all the day 

At home among my friends I stay, 

But every night I go abroad 

Afar into the land of Nod. 


All by myself I have to go, 

With none to tell me what to do — 

All alone beside the streams 

And up the mountain-sides of dreams. 


The strangest things are there for me, 

Both things to eat and things to see, 

And many frightening sights abroad 

Till morning in the land of Nod. 


Try as I like to find the way, 

I never can get back by day, 

Nor can remember plain and clear 

The curious music that I hear. 
