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Autumn 2

In Autumn 2 we are learning ...


In Writing we will be writing our own narrative based on Journey by Aaron Becker, we will then be moving on to free verse poetry. 


In Maths, we will be starting the half term focusing on Multiplication and Division including the 6x, 9x, 7x , 11x and 12x tables as well as finding out what happens when we multiply a number by 1 or 0 and what happens when we divide a number by 1 or itself. We will also be multiplying 3 numbers.


In RE we will be looking at Incarnation and what the Gospels teach us about the incarnation of Jesus.


In Geography, we will be learning about Otley and why market towns are still attractive places to visit and live in.


In Science, we will be learning about how sounds are made, sound waves and the pitch and volume of sounds.


In Art, we will be learning how to lighten or darken a colour when mixing paint; using tints and shades to give a three-dimensional effect when painting and exploring how paint can create very different techniques. We will use what we have learnt to create a final painting that shows an understanding of how colour can be used to show light and dark, and therefore show three dimensions.


In PSHE, we will be learning about keeping safe online, when we are near roads, railways, water, building sites or fireworks and what to do in an emergency. We will learn some basic first aid.


In PE, a sports coach will be teaching us skills in football.


In Computing, we will be learning how to use decorative effects in Word to enhance documents, using a full page effectively by formatting pictures and text and using transitions and animations to create graphically rich presentations.


In French, we will be learning the vocab for parts of the body, finding out how France celebrates Halloween and reading a short text with accurate pronunciation.


In Music, we will be playing musical instruments and exploring how this makes us feel and learning the songs for our Christmas production.

Our Class Read

Still image for this video

Our Class Poem - Windy Nights

Geography Knowledge Organiser - Otley

Science Knowledge Organiser - Sound

French Knowledge Organiser

Computing Knowledge Organiser

PSHE Knowledge Organiser - Keeping Safe
