n Autumn 2 we will be learning about …….
In Writing we will be writing sentences focusing on joining words and clauses using 'and'. We will then be writing a poster and a letter based on the book, "Beegu".
In Maths, we will be focusing on addition, subtraction and shape.
In RE we will be learning about Incarnation.
In History, we will be learning about what life was like when our Grandparents were little in the 1960s and 1950s.
In PSHE, we will be learning about "Keeping safe and managing risk".
In PE, we will be learning gymnastics and we will be developing our ball skills.
In Computing, we will be learning about digital painting.
In French, we will be sharing familiar stories that have been translated into French and consolidating our greetings.
In Music, we will be practising the songs for our Nativity which we will perform in December.
Our Oracy focus is "my favourite book". Please see email sent to parents for additional information regarding this, including when your child can bring in their showing.
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers detail the knowledge that children will gain from each unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these at school to support their learning as they progress through the topic.