In Autumn 1 we are learning ...
In Writing we will be writing our own narrative based on The Borrowers by Mary Norton and we will then be moving on to writing a non-chronological report about the anglerfish.
In Oracy we will be presenting our learning about the Romans, answering the question, What happened when the Romans came to Britain?
In Maths, we will be focusing on Place Value (within 10,000), learning to read, write, partition, and compare numbers to 10,000 as well as positioning these on a number line. We will also be rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000 and learning about Roman Numerals.
In RE we will be looking at Genesis 1 and at the concepts of Creation and Fall.
In History, we will be learning about the ancient Romans and what happened when they came to Britain.
In Art, we will be using mechanical engravings as a starting point, while developing an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern in drawing and combining media for effect when transforming a drawing into a print.
In PSHE, we will be learning about democracy in the UK, how laws are made and about local councils.
In PE, we will be developing our group tactics and invasion skills as we learn to play Netball.
In French, we will be learning the vocab for parts of the face and to read a short text (a traditional poem)
In Music, we will be learning about interesting time signatures and improvising and performing instrumental parts. As well as learning that when sections repeat and change this is the structure of music.