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Autumn 1

In Autumn 1 we are learning.....


In Reading and Writing we will be making story maps and creating actions to help us to retell "The Very Noisy House". We also begin our SFA phonics teaching, where children will be identifying initial phonemes (sounds)in words and will be taught letter names and sounds for letters s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck (digraph). Children will practise forming each letter correctly and will begin to write initial graphemes (phonemes in written form). Children will also begin to read CVC words containing the taught GPCs (grapheme-phoneme correspondence: how a sound is written and read).


In our daily Rhyme Time we will be singing the following nursery rhymes: Five little ducks, Wind the bobbin up, Five currant buns  and Jack and Jill.


In Maths we will be introducing our "All about Today" calendar, matching, sorting, grouping and comparing objects and sets of objects, as well as comparing size, mass and capacity and recognising and creating simple patterns.


In Topic lessons we will be learning about what makes us all special and unique, similiarities between ourselves, our families and others and how we, our parents and grandparents have grown and changed since being babies.


In RE we will be learning why children are special and what happens when Christians and muslims welcome new babies into their religion.


In PSHE we will focus upon getting to know each other and on new beginnings.


In our PE lessons we will be practising simple movement sequences in a dance unit  called "Ourselves." We will also focus upon developing our balance and core strength through activities and resources within our indoor and outdoor areas of provision.


In Art lessons we will experiment with mark making and as our skills develop, we will create a self portrait. During our play, adults will also support us to become more expressive and help us to develop storylines in our imaginary play.


In French we begin to say hello to our family. 


In Music  we are singing along to nursery rhymes using our voices and instruments to link with our topic. 


Our Oracy focus is the children's holiday box


Knowledge Organisers should be used to support your child throughout the topic being covered. They provide end points which is the knowledge that children will gain from this unit of work. They also show the learning that has taken place before and how this will link to future learning. Children will use these both in school and at home to supplement their learning, allowing us to work collaboratively together.


Knowledge Organisers are designed to help provide additional support and direction for families to support learning at home. They can be used as a point of reference for year group knowledge and expectations within the given topic area.

History: I am Special!

RE: Being Special - Where Do I Belong?

Art: Marvellous Mark Making

Parents Phonics Meeting Slides

National Poetry Day - "Zany Zoo" by Matt Goodfellow

"Once They Were Giants" by Martin Waddell - A visit from our Reception parents and carers

Our First Trip to Church to Learn About an Infant Christian Baptism

Recreating a Christian Baptism

Recycling The Story of "The Very Noisy House" by Julie Rhodes

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In their Writing lessons this term, the children have been looking at the story of "They Very Noisy House". In this step, the children recycled the story using their own characters and descriptions.

The children first discussed what recycling meant. Cora gave a fantastic explanation, "We turn something we don't need anymore into something new". Next the class worked together to recycle the nursery rhyme "Jack and Jill went up the hill". The children changed this to "Frog and Dog went up the hill to fetch a lot of ice-cream"!

Next the children did some collaborative work with Miss Cain to recycle the story of 'The Very Noisy House'. The children were challenged to think of a descriptive word for each character. The children came up with great ideas.

Finally, the children worked together in their groups to create their own recycled versions of 'The Very Noisy House' and practiced acting these out in their groups. Some children then volunteered to perform this to the class. The children are becoming more and more familiar with story telling language and are developing their oracy skills. Well done everyone!

Recycling The Story of "The Very Noisy House" by Julie Rhodes

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